
Friday, December 5, 2008

Coming up for air

Still alive, still conscious....been a crazy couple of weeks Chez wackiness for both of us (yes, Ma, we're both still employed. For the moment, anyway!) Insaner-than-usual for Mr.Q and band rehearsals; I'm buried under a mountain of Christmas knitting but have somehow also found myself signed up for a cookie exchange at work...will post more later if I can find the time this weekend. (No pictures, though, our camera finally died. Hopefully we'll be getting a new one for Christmas, but that depends on whether we need to replace Mr.Q's cell. Which is now very clean, having gone through the wash, but not especially functional. It's with a friend who's good with that kind of thing...please send Get Well Soon thoughts....)

Jeans Day! Yay!


Sarah, Grand-Dutchess of Serendipity said...

We just got a new camera but our old one works well still. Want it?

Arctic Knitter said...

Hang in there! I know what you mean - this time of year is just nutty - holiday knitting, end of semester exams, social obligations...

Hope you feel better little phone. Yeah - water + electronics don't mix too well.

Rabbitch said...

I have two cameras here. I can give you one if you want. It's elderly but functional.