
Monday, October 19, 2009

The end of an era...

So my birthday's tomorrow, and it's got me a little weirded out. Not all angsty like my 25th did ("OMG will I have to act like an adult now?" Thank FSM I got over that idea!) But still, I'm officially entering my Late Thirties, and it does give one pause. Mr.Q seems to think that I'm on the brink of an existential crisis, however, so he's been rather spoiling me for the last week or so.

We went to see John Prine in concert on Friday, which was amazing! His opening act was good, and he...was magical. His energy never let up, and he played for over 2 hours straight - with the biggest, shit-eatingest, ear-to-ear grin on his face for every minute of it. There's something awfully cool about watching somebody who's having that much fun on stage! And he was quite the gentleman - humble, not ego-centric at all - and bloody hilarious. It was (though I hate to say it!) even worth being gouged in service charges.

On the way home from Seattle last weekend, we had discussed the possibility of getting me a new camera for my birthday. I did a little research during the week, and on Saturday, we went out and found a wee (blue!) Sony Cyber-shot that I've been having too much fun with ever since.

Some of my first experiments...

Obligatory cat shot:

Playing with the automatic "Smile Shutter"

More of the tremendously energetic felines (and husband):


And - if I wasn't spoiled enough - Mr.Q gave me these over the weekend, too.

To top things off - I had taken tomorrow off of work, for a day of decadent self-indulgence (which means sleeping in till at least seven o'clock!)...but on the way to work today, I got a call that a water cooler on the top floor had burst, and flooded everything the school was closed for the day. Surprise 4-day weekend!

So I'm back home in my fuzzy robe, figuring out how to download pics from the camera, updating Ravelry pages, and considering an afternoon of knitting & people-watching at the coffee shop. Though the cats may have the right idea....Guess what they're doing?

(Hint: if your guess involves any kind of activity, you're way off base...)


Arctic Knitter said...

Happy early Birthday! Welcome to the late-30's party. Do we have to act like adults now?

bethc said...

Hope you have a great birthday!! Remember, you have to get old, but never have to grow up!! And what a gift, a four-day week-end... I can only dream...

(formerly) no-blog-rachel said...

Happy birthday!


Stitchy said...

Happy Birthday!
Trust me, you're still young!

Are the red fingerless gloves yours?

Barb Matijevich said...

Happy Birthday Crisis! I figure any existential crisis would require YARN to truly get over...