
Saturday, September 8, 2007

You know you're having fun when even your knees are sweating.

Last night, two of Mr.Q's bands were playing at the Fringe Club, as part of the after-show festivities for the opening of the Vancouver Fringe Frestival. I thought it might be fun to bring a posse out and have some fun. So I popped over to Jel's for a quick bite (read: another cheese orgy and a drink) and then we took our knitting to a friend's place. Sock and Scarf Ride the Bus:

We met up with some friends from work at one of their places, and had a few drinks and some snacks before heading down to Granville Island. One of the fun things about being a grown-up is putting a sophisticated, daring edge on the things once loved as a child. Like the old classic "ants on a log" snack. Subsitute dried cranberries for the usual raisins, use all-natural peanut butter, and you have a modern, edgy version: Fire Ants on a Log:

Eventually, we made our way down to the Fringe Club, in time to catch Mr.Q's first set, with the folk-rock trio The Gentle Infidels:

Which was great, if a bit intense and depressing. But really, it was great. A brief interlude, some good conversation over the appalling hip-hop house music, some very questionable porta-potties...and we got our eardrums blasted by Mr.Q's second band, The Feminists:

The Sock really enjoys the Feminists:

Jelaina enjoys The Feminists, blogging, and her wine:

We finagled a ride home at about 2:30 with some neigbours (Mr.Q's van being a little overloaded with gear...humph) in their Yaris. Which was the catalyst for a lot of pirate-speak, in preparation for International Talk Like a Pirate Day this month. (Taking our YARRRn home in the YARRRRRis. I'm not sure the driver thought it was quite as funny as we did. I can't imagine why.)

I think Mr.Q had more fun than anybody else last night, though. See? Sweaty knees!

1 comment:

Jelaina said...

I am a little hungover. =)
Scarf and I had a really good time!!!