
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Domestic Goddess in Residence

Whelp, I guess I missed posting yesterday, which means that the whole post-a-day-in-May thing took a hit, but c'est la vie! I was busy, what can I say? Mr.Q decided he needed to mop the floors, which meant he needed me out of his way. Since the weather was far too gross for me to leave the house (or even my pajamas), I got "sent to my room" for the afternoon. This was no hardship: I had the laptop, to catch up on some Dr.Who and CSI. I had coffee (with a liberal splash of Baileys). I had lots of knitting (surprise surprise). I was almost sad when the floors were done and I was "allowed" to re-emerge! 

This evening, I'm still in my PJs, and haven't left the house all weekend. Perfectly delightful! (In the interest of full disclosure, I did showered this afternoon, and put on clean pajamas after the fact. And regular tooth-brushing has occurred on schedule.) PJs aside, today I have more than made up for yesterday's indolence. I have:

  • baked 2 loaves of bread (half of one has already been devoured, and not by me. I'm looking at you, Q!)
  • made a wicked batch of melt-in-your-mouth cinnamon buns...with caramel gooeyness on the bottom. And I glazed them!
  • sewn 6 headbands, to keep my unruly locks off my face (not sure they all go with the blue hair, though. Hmm. Didn't quite think that through!)
  • made minor alterations to the previously-gappy button bands on 2 blouses, thus shifting them from "winter" wardrobe (as a camisole was needed) to "summer" - just in time for the insanity that is our lack of air conditioning at work.
  • done a load of my laundry, and folded a load of towels
  • done 2 loads of dishes
  • knit 2 inches on a rather complicated sock pattern
  • prepped tomorrow's breakfast and lunch
  • made sure my Canucks tee is on the top of the pile, to wear to work tomorrow.
  • tried out tomorrow's grammar lesson on Mr.Q, and determined that my students could kick his butt. They will be tickled when I tell them so!
Whew! Going to work tomorrow will almost seem like a holiday!

Almost. I'm not totally nuts!

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