
Sunday, September 30, 2007

If it walks like a duct....

Mr. Q's been complaining for some time that he needs a new wallet. Today I finally took matters into my own hands and played with duct-i-gami. Unfortunately, I ran out of the red tape and had to use some silver. I'm going to present it as a "space-age design feature"

I'm especially proud of the little bus pass window.

Last night, after trying to soften me up with a tasty curry and some wine, "Saint Jel" tried again to lure me over to the Dark Side:

I held reasonably firm...but it was very good wine! So I'm not entirely responsible for whatever fondling (of fibre!) may have occurred. (She's heading over to Ireland for a few days next month - if anybody knows of any yarn stores in Dublin, or knows anybody who might know, please go on over to her blog & give her a shout!)


Gene said...

Hi Mrs. Q!

I'm your partner in the Gain exposure to your blog swap and good job on the duct-a-gami. I've been wanting to make a wallet made of duct tape for my partner but couldn't find time to start making one.

By the way, I'm planning on trying knitting. Any tips you'd like to share for a beginner?


Anonymous said...

Wow! I love the bus pass window - How did you do that? I also like the blend of red and grey! I proudly showed off the dishcloth knit sculpture above the kitchen sink by the 'sisters' to our furnace man who informed me that he embroiders - there ya go!

Carmen said...

gool wallet! I am from S-B and I blogrolled you!