
Monday, November 30, 2009

November Rain.. gone, for now at least! Both the November part, and the rain. Today started out all drizzly as usual, but by the end of the day, the clouds were gone. The sun, being such a novelty, was positively blinding. The air was all scrubbed clear by a cold wind, clear enough that I could see the details of the struts on a float plane taking off, and the sharp, tiny edges of the treeline along the mountain tops. And then as the sun set, the full moon came out and made the snow on the peaks all glowy and magical...Mmmmm!

As for the November part, I'm having a hard time with the idea that it's December tomorrow. That it'll be a whole 'nother year in a month. Where the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks has my year gone?

The end of November also means the end of NaBloPoMo, and I'm quite proud of myself for sticking it out. I can't say that I feel more brilliant as a blogger/writer...I admit that there was as much (or more) whinging or inanity, or whinging and inanity, as genius insight or wittiness. But you know what? This exercise was great simply as a discipline practice, and every day, I sat down to blog. Whether I felt like it or not. And that feels good. Whether it was good or bad, whether it was easy or tedious, I accomplished what I set out to do: I blogged every day for a month. And if I can do that with blogging, I can do it with other things. I managed another unspoken goal this month, as well, starting about half-way through - every post since Nov.16th has been given a song title. An odd little quirk I sort of fell into, but had fun carrying out.

The NaBloPoMo folks have set a different challenge for December, but I'm up in the air about it. I may take it on in a revised capacity, but I'm going to sleep on it tonight. Meanwhile...I've been puttering about trying to make Christmas cards. Something I used to do every Christmas, but haven't in a couple of years. I found myself missing it, so I stocked up on some crafty supplies and sat down to it this evening. And am decidedly unhappy with the results...Something else I'll sleep on, I imagine! But it was still fun playing with glue sticks and glittery stars. I've put it all away for now, and may or may not come back to it later this week. I have enough to do, really, and am experiencing an increasing need to knit something soft and wispy and lacy for myself. (Why yes, I do have exciting plans for my Christmas break! Pattern suggestions, anyone?)

And that, folks, is all she wrote. For this month, anyway. Perhaps a celebratory nip of something is in order...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the posts - they are very enjoyable!- even the silly ones - especially the silly ones!

Unknown said...

where do I find these blog challenges? Out of vague curiosity...